My Dream with a Seeming Theme around the Rapture, 2nd Coming, and Walking through a Village.

I’ll start off by saying like I did in my dream last March about being on the Titanic and its relation to the rapture that I don’t put much stock in dreams and I’m cautious as I listen to the dreams of others. We do know from Acts 2:17 that God uses dreams to show things to us in the last days, which I believe we are in. This is also the method used in the book of Daniel where God gives Nebuchadnezzar dreams, which Daniel is able to interpret and glorify God by. There are dreams mentioned in other places in the Bible as well such as with Joseph (Genesis 37:5) and even Pilate’s wife (Matthew 27:19). That said we should test the spirits in all things as we read in 1 John 4:1-6 to know what we can trust. So prayerfully consider the following. I make no claims of it being prophetic and I don’t necessarily know if there is meaning- this is just me sharing my dream.

I have had one or two other dreams over the past year that I have thought about sharing, but ultimately did not feel that I was necessarily meant to share. Neither of those dreams dealt with me experiencing the rapture. The dream I had last night had a confirmation for me upon waking that I will share at the end, and the dream itself gave me real happiness and excitement upon waking, which I don’t think a dream from an evil source would produce in regards to Christ returning. I could also feel something happening to me in this dream that made it seem so real. So with that said I do feel I am supposed to share this for one reason or another with the goal to glorify God.

I wrote it all down right after waking to make sure I remembered the details while they were vividly fresh in my mind.

The dream started with my wife and I on a bus or RV driving at nighttime. It was just the two of us and my wife was the one driving. I was standing up looking out of the front window when I saw the moon. It was very large and I noticed that an elliptical halo seemed to suddenly appear and be spinning around the moon. I could tell that something was happening.

All of a sudden a part of the sky opened up in a large rectangular shape and a giant cross appeared very visibly within it. I at this point had a feeling that this was the rapture taking place. Almost immediately after seeing the Cross, I could literally feel a force inside of my chest starting to pull me like it was almost pulling me out of my body. It started mildly and gradually grew stronger in the dream, but not to the point that I was being lifted off the ground. I was simply elated that this was occurring and in wonder. This was happening slowly.

When I saw the cross appear in the sky in the dream I was thinking this could be the sign of the Son of Man. I found this verse is Matthew 24:30 in reference to the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

I then saw what now appeared to be the sun being eclipsed. There was light around the edges with a large black circular object in the way, which made me think this was the sun upon later reflection. In my dream, my mind was thinking of the words we find in Joel 2:13, which is in reference to the Day of the Lord. Both of the thoughts above in reference to Scripture were what I was actually thinking of as they were occurring in the dream as I was trying to make sense of what I was witnessing just to make sure that is clear.

My wife stopped driving while the bus or RV was still in motion and we both as believers thought this was the rapture occurring. The vehicle just kept taking us along safely without a second thought from either of us just to note. She said to me, “You were right”, in reference to the rapture being something that I thought could happen very soon. I looked away at some passing tall trees and vegetation outside without saying anything in response thinking to myself that this knowledge of the end times is not something that someone should feel any pride about. My thought after the dream was that this knowledge was revealed to us from God, and we should all be extremely thankful for that.

I told her that I hoped people were ready knowing that some would not be coming with us. At this point my wife and I looked at each other, and somehow knew that although our relationship would continue in Heaven it also would change from what we see in Mark 12:25. We tried to give each other one last kiss, but when my wife was close I could not feel her lips. We tried again, but the same result. On the third attempt, our heads starting going right through each other like neither of us had physical properties anymore.

Everything stopped after that. In my dream I was thinking this was the rapture so I began to postulate what was happening. I was thinking maybe this was part of the process as a starting point to make sure believers knew this was happening.

The next thing I was aware of in the dream my wife and I were entering a village with people around. The people seemed to have some skepticism as they saw my wife and I like we stuck out, which the others did seem to be from other nationalities. In the dream my wife was pregnant, which in real life she is and we are expecting a baby girl next month on June 11th, 2019.

We were walking on this path between two buildings until we came to a road crossing. As we walked and passed people they kept telling us we shouldn’t be here and that we didn’t belong in this place and needed to leave. They were actually trying to warn us in a way since I think they saw my wife was pregnant and they knew this place was dangerous. As we came near the crossing in the road the scenery seemed to be modern like in a city and this is where things get fuzzy and the dream seemed to end. I seemed to recall a vehicle approaching fast and nearly hitting anyone close to the road, but that was the last thing that seemed to stick out.

I went on to have a couple other jumbled dreams after this before I awoke, but upon waking my mind immediately was on the part where I thought we were being raptured.

I maybe laid there for a minute or so before reaching for my phone towards the bottom of the bed and saw it was 7:27 AM. This dream filled me with joy after I woke up, and when I saw 7:27 exactly on my phone this made me think there was something to this dream that I would have been more skeptical about if that had not happened.

It was around 4-5 years ago that I was in a particular moment in my life where I was losing hope. I can’t tell you how or why it was, but I somehow became oddly very aware that I was seeing the specific time of 7:27 on my phone whether AM or PM. It happened in just a way that it brought me to the point where I thought God was maybe trying to tell me something through 7:27 within the Bible.

I looked in the Scripture and I came to a specific verse, which seemed to be perfectly fitting to my exact situation. I saw that time quite often for a while after that and was comforted in a way being reminded that God was with me when I did, but it is not something I necessarily see all of the time now especially in the AM. I do not usually get up now until 8 AM for work with my alarm after I started working for another company around 3 1/2 years ago. So my waking up today and seeing that specific time on the clock is not normal for me or something my body has a habit of doing.

It wasn’t until around December 2017 that I started really digging into studying end times and becoming aware of the times we are living in. I poured into research and somewhere along that line was introduced to Strong’s concordance and the understanding that 726 stood for harpazo, which from the Latin form is where we get our modern English word Rapture. I was blown away after really getting into Christian eschatology and the Rapture to find that this number, 727, that I believe the Lord was bringing strongly to my attention years before, is harpax, whose word origin is harpazo.

Just the chances and oddness and ‘amazingness’ of that occurring years apart and meaning so much to me, but for different purposes. I don’t have the words to express other than to say, “Thank you Jesus!! Our God is awesome!!”. Believe me when I say there is no other number that I believe God has directed my attention to for a meaningful purpose like He has to 7:27. I know this may sound crazy, but this is what happened in my life and I go with it.

So when I had that dream today, which was something I was joyous about and is not a normal for me at all, and then felt like checking to see the time at specifically 7:27 this morning of all mornings that I had this dream. I can’t help but feel that God wants me to share this.

I think the dream was meant to pick me up out of a moment of discouragement I was in and it was very effectively to get me encouraged again to serve Him!

This dream may have eternal meaning for you.

And hear me out because this is important. You may have happened upon this dream by seeming accident, but I don’t think that is the case. If you don’t know where you will spend eternity when you die or what it means to be saved, then read on.  

Scripture tells us that we are saved through faith in Christ and not of our works (Ephesians 2:8-9.)  His perfect sacrifice on the cross cleanses us from our sins if we believe in Him so that we can get back into right standing with God.  Jesus Christ makes it very clear that He is the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). Romans 10:9 NASB says “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;”.

Hear my plea: Please don’t wait to make this decision today of what you believe about Jesus!

Right now is the time to turn from your sinful ways and trust in God as your savior and lord.  If you are ready to take that step, then say a prayer like this below out loud:

God, I know that you look at our hearts so please hear my words and know why I am coming to you at this time in prayer.  I know that I am a sinner and I have fallen short.  I know and have faith that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was the payment necessary for my sins in order for me to be with you after this life.  I am sorry and ask now for your forgiveness of my sins.  I call on Your Name to save me. I need you as my savior and I ask that you would send your Holy Spirit into me to guide me in my journey of knowing you more, to help me as I turn away from my lifestyle of sin and make you the Lord of my life, and to convict me to continually try to live more like You.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

If you said that prayer and meant the words, then I am absolutely overjoyed in your decision.  God knows your heart and the Scripture tells us that there is joy in heaven over your decision too (Luke 15:7). Now go and tell someone about this.

Please start reading your Bible to learn more about your decision.  You can also read here for additional steps to take such as getting baptized.  I can’t wait to see you in Heaven one day!