My Dream of Being on the Titanic and My Interpretation of it in Relation to the Rapture

So this is definitely a different type of post for me, but one that I really feel compelled to share.  I don’t typically put much stock into dreams or the dreams that others share.  I’m especially cautious when someone claims they were shown something prophetic as we are to test the spirits in 1 John 4:1-6.  We do know from the Bible that God uses dreams in cases to get a point across or to show something important.  There’s also Acts 2:17 that speaks to this.  All that to say I am not sharing anything prophetic, but there was a very important message that I took away from it that I want you take in.

I don’t typically remember my dreams well or have much coherence in them, but this dream was very different as I remembered it clearly and it had choices and consequences.  With that here it goes:

My dream began as I found myself on a ship that I instinctively knew was the Titanic. It was as though I had time traveled and found myself there. It was odd in that the ship seemed to already be sinking, but also hadn’t quite started yet. I know that’s a hard concept to explain.  I knew that it would be sinking shortly and what the fate of the ship was if I remained  on board.  I knew I had to get off.

I was with a companion who I don’t know in real life, but in the dream was someone very close to me – like a brother.  Importantly, we both knew we had to get off the ship.  So we were trying to gather some of our belongings to get down to this docking area of sorts as there was another ship that was there that could  take us away to safety.  The docking area was very strange as it was somehow not connected to land.  There was the Titanic on the one side of the dock and on the opposite side was a large ship that would rescue us.

The dock itself was probably 15-20 feet wide. It had service areas and a long single row of dining booths that we’ll get to later that seemed to stretch very far in length.  As my friend and I made it down to the docking area we realized that we would need to split up for a short while.  He wanted to go back to save someone still stuck on the boat and I needed to go to this service area to frantically try to get my luggage.  We both knew that time was very, very short before the boat sank and that the large ship of safety was going to leave at any moment.

It’s important to note the people around us were acting drastically different.  Some seemed to be just enjoying themselves on board thinking of parties that were going to take place, but also at the same time seeming to know that the ship was going down.  I don’t think they grasped the full fate of what was coming for them. Many others were frantically trying to get off the boat to safety knowing that they needed to get out of there fast.  The people were seemingly polar opposites.

As my friend and I split off, I ran down to this service area at the end of the dock and began speaking with a lady who was working behind a raised platform that managed all of the luggage on board.  I told her that I needed to get the luggage off the ship and for some reason I pulled money out of my wallet to offer her a bonus if she could get them quickly.  I offered her a $50 dollar bill if she could get our luggage out very quickly and since it was seemingly older times this was a very good incentive for her.  I somehow knew she would take it out to the dock and make sure it got to where it needed to be alright.

I started my way back quickly to the middle area of the dock to meet up with my companion.  As I approached the middle of the dock, suddenly and without warning the ship that was going to take us to safety pulled away from the dock.

It was suddenly dark and nighttime in my dream.

As the ship took off I watched it leave.  I could see inside through these large windows that there was a large banquet prepared with all sorts of food ready to be eaten.  I didn’t see any people through the windows though.

The thought came to my mind that if I hadn’t tried to go get the luggage we could have made it on board.

I began walking down the boardwalk and started walking past all of these semi-circle booths overlooking the water.  Each booth was filled with people eating, drinking, and carrying away like it was a time to have fun and celebrate. I walked down the dock and made it to a table where my friend was sitting with a couple others.  This table stood out from the others as no one was happy to be here at this table.  I sat down and all but one person seemed to realize the terrible situation we were in and that we had missed our boat of safety.

After this I awoke.

My immediate thoughts after waking up was about the symbolism of everything that had taken place in the dream.  I had an initial fear it was a symbol of my fate, but that quickly dissipated as I thought back to what my actual thought was in the dream and knowing my own relationship with Christ as my Savior and Lord.  My thought in the dream was about regretting trying to get the luggage and belongings to take with us.

I never did see that luggage show up and ultimately I seemed to understand at the end that it wasn’t even important at all although at the time it seemed like the most important thing in the world.

There’s tons of symbolism in the dream as the world being the sinking ship and the rapture being represented by the ship of safety with the great marriage supper of the Lamb being prepared, but the thing that stood out to me most was the regret of focusing on the luggage instead of just getting on the boat.

That is the message I want you as a believer to take away.  Especially as the coming of our Lord for His church quickly approaches, please in these last days keep your focus up and on the eternity that soon awaits you.  In a moments notice any cares you have in this world are not going to matter as our perspectives are going to radically shift.  That coworker that gets under your skin, that bill that has to be paid, that illness or loss, that promotion or job you didn’t get, all these things are mere distractions -they are not reality.

Please, please don’t let the cares and anxieties of this life drag you down in these final moments (Luke 21:34).  Remember your first love and the joy that He gives us.  Be that final rally cry that helps one more soul get ready for Christ.  Focus on what matters and take hold of the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7)